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Our method

The teaching method "Project Based Learning - Education through Creative Tasks" combined with "Game based Learning - Playful Learning" constitute the strategic learning models that we use in STEM Robotics Education.

The combination of the above learning strategies constitutes a teaching model that aims, among other things, at developing critical 21st century skills, such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking. Also, the time the child spends playing is learning time (LEGO Learning Institute, 2002). It includes deeper understanding of concepts, broadening the knowledge base, improving communication and strengthening interpersonal/social skills, strengthening leadership skills, and increased creativity.

At STEM Robotics Education, we emphasize learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary and student-centered. The basic idea of the education methodology we use is to engage students in solving real-time problems, in order to arouse interest in constructive thinking about them. Through the creative engagement that the process provides, students acquire and apply new knowledge.

Our methodology is also characterized by the creation of groups. The groups define their plans. We distinguish five phases: Collective Planning, Intra-Group Planning, Collective Project Execution, Group Project Presentation, Group Project Evaluation.

During the lessons, students:

-They engage in research activities in order to solve a problem, answer a question, or address a challenge given to them.

-They work together to achieve specific goals.

-They take initiatives, exchanging ideas, creating and producing joint solutions.

-They use technology as a tool to communicate with others.

-They take an active role as opposed to a passive role in transmitting information from a teacher, or a book.

-They constantly choose how they will acquire or handle information.

-They actively think about the choices they make.

-They participate either individually or as a team.

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